Tuesday, July 29, 2014,6:39 PM
Last egg in the carton... My baby gonna be a button
I’ve had to come to my sanctuary Starbucks sip on an
overpriced mocha something that I can’t make on my own and tell you about my
situation. Here’s the thing I was making breakfast for myself some mini
pancakes bacon reached in for a beautiful egg and what did I find but the last egg in the carton.
Normally this would have not bothered me
I would simply go a about the business of
popping that ole egg out, but
this day it hit a nerve see coffees1st luv is an old school coffee
pot , you know the one that you’ve had
for 10 years the buttons are worn
off but dammit it works. I digress so this egg had me thinking about babies since they really don’t come from a cabbage
patch I got to thinking .. Coffee omg what
is were getting down to the last egg in your carton, the final scoop, the last
filter bag. You know it’s a fact that old men make old babies, but what about
this last egg in my carton. Suppose I wait too long and I am blessed with this
bundle of joy only to look down at this ben button looking baby, I mean if an
old throwback sperm makes a baby that looks like they will never have teeth
then my last egg will make a baby that’s just doomed to scream at 6 GET OFF MY GRASS..
These are the random thoughts that I have as I stand in front of the fridge and
the reason that for the last week I’ve stayed away for the incredible edible egg.
Check your carton ladies and beware of the last egg, it may be your old baby...
# team no old faced babies # stay off my grass... Excuse me barista can you
whip me up a good ole cup of young coffee in a kuerig and add 2 creamers 3
sugars and ill holla