Wednesday, May 15, 2013,10:59 AM
im sooo hungry i could eat your face .... what you get your mom for mothers day
well folks get your coffee mugs ready cuz once again its on now i tell you these tales cuz well frankly its my civic duty to inform you of the truly weird ish that goes on in ones everyday life. i tell you people i cant make this stuff up its too dam weird and here in crazy tale , now mothers day was a couple of days ago and it reminded me of a story one of my fellow trainers informed me of , i call her dirty Dora .. what the .. but why ... i know i know but let me tell you why she gets her name , picture this sweet , petite, Dora faced woman .. shes your sister , friend, cousin , she that soccer mom that's always bringing the extra oranges and smiling so sweetly , now picture shes white .. im sorry i couldn't help myself , i had a time to kill moment ... no so she looks so pure then .. she opens her mouth and the most vile things come out she fluent in 4 languages but the jest of all i have learned are dirty limericks and cuss words . now begins my tale so we were all in class one day , me , cupid , boy band , Filipino idol the whole crew when ow and behold the singing had gone on a commercial break as we were just sitting there she proceeds to tell us that the nite before she told her 4 yr. daughter ... ooooh im so hungry i just wanna eat your face off .... then just to make it fun she has a evil laugh and i mean this laugh is kinda really that tv evil guy laugh and then she promptly stops as quickly as she starts, but hers the kicker so she tells her baby that she s so hungry she just wants to eat her face off , her daughter all of 4 , sighs loudly and reply's ahhhhhhhhhhhhh here mom and leans her face out for her mother . now i tell you that just goes to show you that no one will ever love you like your child that girl was gonna give her mom her face to eat . i dont think you grasp how huge that is i dont wanna offer people my last piece of cake and got my mom a card and some flowers .. GOD help us all if she needs to eat my face .... .. so to all you kids that will let your mom eat your face , kudos to you my friend .. kudos to you , me well i can get you a cup of coffee with 2 creamers 3 sugars and ill holla and maybe a scone but not my face lol , please no not my face